The American Symbols series explores the places and things that symbolize freedom and democracy in the United States. These books describe the people and events responsible for shaping each symbol and the reasons they are still important today. Each book contains a glossary, hands-on projects, and Fun Facts. Recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Ellis Island
written by Terri DeGezelle
Capstone Press
Did you know that on April 17, 1907, 11,747 immigrants passed through Ellis Island? Did your ancestors find entry to the United States through this port?
Find this book at your school or public library.

The Lincoln Memorial
written by Terri DeGezelle
Capstone Press
Did you know that the Lincoln Memorial honors Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States or the statue of Lincoln is 19 feet tall and weighs 175 tons?
Find this book at your school or public library.

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial
written by Terri DeGezelle
Capstone Press
Did you know that the Jefferson Memorial honors Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States or the memorial’s statue of Jefferson is 19 feet tall and weighs 5 tons?
Find this book at your school or public library.